Mobilité EUt+

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Mechanics of Machines
MECH 3022

Mechanism Analysis: Velocity diagrams, Velocity diagram for a block sliding on a rotating link, Acceleration diagrams, Centripetal acceleration, Tangential acceleration, Crank and Connecting Rod; graphical construction for velocity and acceleration. Analytical determination of piston velocity and acceleration for uniform angular velocity. Acceleration of a block sliding on a rotating link; Graphical Derivation, Analytical Derivation.

Definition of “Coriolis” component.

Solution of typical problems using velocity and acceleration diagrams.

Balancing of Machines: Static and dynamic balance, Balancing of Masses rotating in the same plane. Balancing of masses rotating in different planes:- Dalby’s Method. Inertia force on a reciprocating mass. Primary and secondary balance of Multi cylinder in line engines. Primary and secondary forces and couples, Firing order. Solution of typical problems using force and couple polygons.

Gear Trains: Simple trains, Compound trains, Epicyclic trains. Velocity ratios and power transmission of Epicyclic gear trains.
Gyroscopes: Gyroscopic couple, Effect of gyroscopic couple, Examples of gyroscopic motion, Precessing top.

Free, damped motion – derivation of equation of motion. General solution for viscous damping, over damped, critically damped and under damped case. Damping ratio. Rate of decay of amplitude: logarithmic decrement and its relationship top damping ration.

Translational, angular and torsional motion systems.

Forced vibration of one degree of freedom system. Steady state response to external harmonic forces and to internal harmonic forces. Steady state amplitude and phase angle.

Significance of frequency ratio. Sketching of response curves.

Forced vibration due to support motion (e.g. ground vibration displacement of supports). Application to vehicle suspension systems and to seismic vibration transducers.

Characteristics of Displacement transducers and accelerometers. Sketching of response curves. Transmission of force or motion from a machine to its foundation.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)