Introduce the concept of control in an engineering context and to indicate the wide variety of control tasks in engineering systems.
Describe common control strategies open loop and feedback.
Present a description of closed loop control systems and analyse the main properties of feedback.
Introduce the concepts of steady state error, disturbances, disturbance rejection and stability.
Present time and frequency domain models as equivalent descriptions of system behaviour.
Provide an understanding of the need for compensation and to illustrate the properties of proportional, integral and derivative controllers.
Understand that proper control system design leads to systems that are efficiently and adequately controlled, and can have a direct impact on energy consumption, the environment and society.
Analytical treatment of first and second order systems. Effect of disturbances, steady state errors. Standard test inputs and system response. Stability of linear systems, the Routh-Hurwitz Criterion.
Concept of control systems, types of control, open and closed loop systems, effects of feedback.
Differential equations and transfer functions of physical systems. Block diagrams and their reduction.
Frequency response. Nyquist and Bode plots of the open loop system, relative stability, the closed loop frequency response.
Process control systems, 2 step, proportional, integral, and derivative control actions. Generation of control actions.