The aim of this module is to equip the student with the knowledge, skills and competency which will enable him/her to uphold professional standards required by the engineering profession. Specifically, it is intended to give an overall view of the planning, execution and control of engineering projects, from a scheduling and management costing and accounting perspective. The module will also address the wider area of employer obligations including Corporate Social Responsibility and corporate governance. Additionally, issues of leadership, power and influence will be addressed within the context of organisation design and management of change.
Ethical aspects of economic and commercial activity.
An introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility, relevant standards and case studies.
Organisation Design: The features of different types of organisation design, the advantages and disadvantages of each type. Contemporary organisations. The basic elements of an organisation – job specialisation, departmentalisation, reporting relationships, distributing authority and coordinating activities. The influences on organisation design.
Effective Management: The elements of successful people management – distinguishing between general management, project management and leadership, leadership styles, leadership techniques. Authority, types of power. Influence.
Recognising the need for organisation change, the barriers to change and techniques for overcoming same.
Project Management: Critical path analysis using traditional techniques – arrow diagrams, earliest and latest event times, slack, etc. The project lifecycle from project initiation to achieving the project goal and closeout. Project planning and scheduling using relevant project management software and standards.
Management accounting: Purpose of management accounting. Profit and loss account, balance sheet. Cost classification and flow, cost behaviour and estimation. Costing – job, batch and process. Cost / volume / profit analysis, relevant costs and management decisions. Treatment of revenue, cash, profit, contribution, taxation.
Financial accounting: Role of the financial manager: the financing and investment decisions. The funding cycle of business. Sources of finance, including short, medium and long term.