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Fluid Mechanics (Mech)
MECH 3014

This is an undergraduate honours degree module in fluid mechanics. The module builds upon the knowledge and understanding of basic fluid mechanics developed in earlier modules. The structure of the module follows a widely accepted structure in fluid mechanics appropriate to this level, and enables the completion of a significant quantity of the recommended class texts. The aim of the module is to develop and enhance the learners’ knowledge and understanding of relevant fluid mechanics theory and practice, and to develop their ability to confidently solve complex engineering problems involving fluid-flow systems.

Dimensional Analysis and Similarity
Introduction, dimensions and units, dimensional homogeneity, the Buckingham Pi theorem, common dimensionless groups in fluid mechanics, model testing and similarity, problems with model testing: incomplete similarity and distorted models.

Differential Analysis for a Fluid Particle
Introduction (including the velocity field and the acceleration of a fluid particle), the continuity equation, the momentum equation, the energy equation, viscosity and Newtonian fluids, angular velocity and vorticity.

Pressure Distribution in a Fluid
Pressure – absolute, gauge and vacuum, hydrostatic pressure distribution, hydrostatic pressure in liquids, hydrostatic pressure in gases, application to manometry, the hydrostatic force on a plane surface, the hydrostatic force on a curved surface, buoyancy and stability, pressure distribution in rigid-body motion.

Integral Relations for a Finite Control Volume
Introduction, the continuity equation, the momentum equation, Bernoulli’s equation, the energy equation, the steady-flow energy equation.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)