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Engineering Materials
ENMT 2111

The module introduces the student to the basic fundaments of materials science and engineering who have completed chemistry, physics and mathematics. The range of engineering materials is presented in a logical order from the simple to the more complex. The different levels of the structure within engineering materials is introduced including Angstrom, nano-, micro and macro. The physical (including thermal) and mechanical properties (‘static’) are introduced. Different processes are introduced. The importance of the structure-processing-property-application-environment relationship is introduced, with emphasis on metals and polymers and are supported in the laboratory sessions. Metals, alloys and polymers, which are structurally the most simple, are used to emphasize the importance of the structure-property–processing–application-environment relationship. The module also introduces ceramics, composites and electronic materials.

Engineering materials: categories, characteristics (structure, processing and properties) and applications.

  • Physical (density, thermal)
  • Mechanical ‘static’ properties (hardness, stress, strain, Young’s modulus, ductility, toughness, etc.)
  • Techniques to determine mechanical properties
  • Non-destructive characterisation techniques

Structure (atomic, nano-, micro-, and macro-)
  • Types of bonding
  • Crystal structures (perfect and imperfect)
  • Growth of crystal structures to micro-, and macrostructure
  • Non-crystal structures
  • Techniques used to characterise structures of different levels
  • Relationships between the structure at all levels and mechanical properties (in particular metals)
  • Analytical techniques for observing structures from atomic to macrostructures.

Processing/ manufacturing (in particular metals)
  • Solidification processes
  • Casting processes
  • Mechanical shaping of metals
  • Phase Equilibrium Diagrams
  • Ferrous metals and alloys
  • Non-ferrous metals and alloys
  • Mechanical deformation
  • Heat treatment processes
  • Relationships between processing, structure and mechanical properties
  • Applications

Polymer materials
  • Structure, atomic, repeat unit, chain, crystallinity
  • Processing 
  • Properties
  • Applications

Ceramic materials
  • Structure
  • Properties
  • Applications

Composite materials
  • Principles –structure
  • Rule of mixtures in relation to physical and mechanical properties

Materials and process selection

Laboratory Sessions
  • Non-Destructive Testing
  • Tensile Testing
  • Hardness Testing
  • Microstructure Analysis
  • Phase Diagrams
  • Materials Selection

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)