Mobilité EUt+

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Global Classroom

The Global Classroom is a module that is delivered online to students. The principle objective of  the module is to allow students to experience the process of software project development in a distributed environment as part of a culturally diverse team. This module focuses on the student’s ability to establish and use effective communications channels between teams distributed around different geographical locations while delivering a technical software project. A number of teaching methods are used to highlight the importance and operation of such communications channels.

The students participating in the Global Classroom module are required to have the appropriate knowledge & skills to bring a software project from specification through design, implementation and testing over a specified period. This module aims to group students into small teams and familiarise them with a range of skills and knowledge necessary, to take a software application through its life cycle.

As a result, such skills will enable graduates to be more employable across a wider career market. This module aims to provide the student with an appreciation of the benefits of internationalised work and study in pursuit of such enhanced employability. This module also enables the development of intercultural professional competences and second language skills, which are becoming more sought after.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
School of Computer Science (TU Dublin)