Mobilité EUt+

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Sustainable development - local, regional and global challenges

What does "sustainable development" mean - in relation to the city of Darmstadt, the region, but also in a global perspective? These questions are the subject of the module. It is offered in the form of a lecture series in combination with an accompanying seminar, each with a specific thematic focus (e.g. climate protection in and around Darmstadt, sustainable regional and urban planning or sustainable design of products or production processes, each taking into account global supply chains). The lecture series conveys scientific-technical, organizational and social system interrelationships in relation to the challenge of sustainable development. Starting from the respective problems, the lecturers create a basic understanding of the respective problem, work out which changes are necessary and present possible solutions and potentials. The event format provides the space for students from different disciplines, citizens of Darmstadt and scientific experts to discuss possible change processes together. In the accompanying seminar, students work in small, ideally interdisciplinary teams in close contact with the lecturers on small projects related to topics of the lecture series. They learn, how they generate knowledge in a division of labor, integrate different disciplinary perspectives and forms of knowledge and developing strategies to be able to shape change processes while incorporating the behavior and perspectives of relevant stakeholders. The students in the accompanying seminar prepare - supported by tutors - the final event of the lecture series and present their conclusions for discussion in the context of a poster presentation.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)