Page du cours ✏️
- Introduction to System Development
- Description
- Goals and framework conditions of system development
- System development tasks
- Potential roles of information systems
- Interaction information system and organization
- Business assessment of information systems
- Processes and phases of system development
- Aspects of the specification of information systems
- Requirements specification and functional specification
- Roles in system development projects
- Processes in system development projects
- Classical and iterative process models
- Modeling in the context of system development
- Mediating role of modeling in the context of system development
- Aims and purposes of modeling
- Model term and model features
- Views of the domain conceptual modeling
- Modeling Languages
- Methods and techniques of domain conceptual modeling
- Aspects of the specification of information systems using the example of ARIS
- Modeling in business conceptual analysis using the example of ARIS
- Process view (EPK)
- Organization view
- Functional point of view
- Information view (ERM)
- From the information view to the database design
- Crédits ECTS
- Langue d'enseignement
- Langue d'examen
- Langue des supports pédagogiques
- Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux
- Entité de gestion (faculté)