Mobilité EUt+

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Didactic unit I GENERAL.

Lesson 1.- INTODUCTION: Historical background of the organization.- Objectives of the organization.- Basic principles of the organization.- Advantages and problems that the organization presents in a work. Organization schools.
Lesson 2.- CONCEPTS: Definition of organization, planning, programming, execution, control and management of works.- Types of organization.- Parties involved in the construction.- Intervention of the Technical Architect in the construction process. Productivity problems
Lesson 3.- ORGANIZATION AND PROGRAMMING OF WORKS: Introduction.- Influences of the organization in the different parties involved.- Rationalization of construction work.- Programming of works.
Lesson 4.- GRAPHICS AND APPLIED DIAGRAMS: General concepts on graphics.- Simple graphics.- Special graphics.- Specific graphics under construction: Gantt chart or diagram; step diagram; stage diagram
Lesson 5.- OPERATIONAL RESEARCH: Introduction.- Mathematical models of operational research.- Fields of operation of operational research.- Methods used in the organization and programming of works.


Lesson 6.- LINEAR PROGRAMMING GRAPHIC METHOD: Introduction.- Linear programming. Mathematical foundations.- General applications.- Graphic method.


Lesson 7.- GRAPHIC THEORY: Introduction.- Concepts and definitions.- Decomposition of a connected graph without level circuits.- Considerations for drawing graphs.
Lesson 8.- PROGRAMMING BY GRAPHICS, GENERALITIES: Programming systems by graphs: PERT, CPM, Roy.- Differences with respect to graph theory.- Identification of events and activities.- Numbering of graphs and ordering of activities.- Basic and elementary rules for drawing graphs.
Lesson 9.- CALCULATION OF TIMES AND SPELLS: The time of the activities.- Nearest and furthest time of the events.- Nearest and furthest time of the beginning and end of the activities.- Slack of the events.- Slack.- Total, free and independent of the activities.- Graphic representation and practical interpretation of the slack.- Critical path.
Lesson 10.- LIKELIHOOD OF THE PERIODS IN PERT: General concepts about probability.- Estimation of the time of the activities.- Variance of the activities.- Standard deviation of the critical path.- Probability factor.- Final expected time, its probability .- True project and feasible project.
Lesson 11.- RELATIONSHIP COST - TIME: Cost relation - time of an activity, representation.- Optimum duration of the activity.- Cost relation - time of a project, direct, indirect and total costs.- Acceleration of a project.
Lesson 12.- LEVEL OF RESOURCES: Step of a programming by graphs to Gantt chart.- Allocation of resources.- Leveling and optimization of resources.
Lesson 13.- ROY METHOD: The time of the activities.- Nearest and furthest time from the beginning and end of the activities.- Slack of the activities.- Critical path.- Step of a PERT or CPM programming to Roy programming and vice versa.-.
Lesson 14.- INTRODUCTION IN THE PROJECT COMPUTER PROGRAM: Define the project.- Define general work periods.- Create a list of project tasks.- Organize tasks in phases.- Link or attach more information about tasks.- Add columns of tasks personalized information.- Establish deadlines and delimit tasks.


Lesson 15.- GENERAL ORGANIZATION OF WORKS: Introduction.- Influences of the organization on the different agents involved in the construction.- Previous studies and actions.- Licenses and hiring.- Previous project documentation.- Documentation file: hand of work, materials and auxiliary means.
Lesson 16.- ORGANIZATIONAL DOCUMENTS: General organization report.- General facilities and construction services.- Graphic documentation.
Lesson 17.- GENERAL PROGRAMMING AND WORK STAGES: Introduction.- Methods of programming in construction.- Adjustment of times.- Gantt chart.- Leveling of resources.- Programming documents.- First stage: Elementary conditioning activities of land, foundations, pocería and structure.- Second stage: elementary activities of masonry, covering, built-in installations, aids to installations and carpentry, flooring, tiling and cladding.- Third stage: elementary activities of placement of sanitary devices, electricity mechanisms , different elements of other facilities, carpentry and finishes in general. - Fourth stage: elementary urbanization, landscaping and exterior work finishes. Interdependence between the different activities.
Lesson 18.- STUDY OF MOVEMENTS AND TIMES: Introduction.- The study of work.- Micromovements, cyclography and chronochlography.- Principles of economy of movements.- Timing.- Assessment of the operator's actions.- Time supplements.- Time type, arithmetic time and calendar time.
Lesson 19.- STUDY OF ACTIVITIES: Detailed study of the activities.- Human and auxiliary resources.- Material resources.- Adjust resources -time

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)