Mobilité EUt+

Page du cours ✏️

Computer Programming and Programming Languages

1. Presentation of the laboratory and the equipment, health and safety issues, rules of conduct, and organizational aspects. How to use the equipment and peripherals, and available resources. Exercises with logical schemes. Aspects related to structuring and generalization.
2. Entity types and type specifications. Translation of numerical and logical expressions in Fortran, priority of the operators,
3. Input/output and control statements. The GUI of Force2 PE. Creating a Fortran console application from a previous flowchart. Compiler options, handling compiling and linking errors and warnings, trace and debug. Solving a 2nd-degree equation.
4. Loop choices. Arrays and position indices. Exercises with vector arrays and strings: extreme values and sorting methods.
5. Select Case structure and criteria. Calculation of geometric features of some figures, with repeat options.
6. Exercises with matrix arrays (transpose, scalar multiplication, sum of the diagonal values).
7. Format specification and usual descriptors for I / O, use of logical units (files), and exercises.
8. Program units, examples. Calculation of mathematical formulas using subroutines and intrinsic functions.
9. Exercises with user-defined subroutines and functions. Entry points and return variants, recursive functions.
10. Dynamic memory allocation. Exercises with vector and matrix arrays (using input and output data files).
11. Exercises with arrays using user-defined subroutines and functions, with dynamic memory allocation, using also
format descriptors.
12. On-site: The user interface of CVF / Intel Visual Fortran. Creating a console application in Developer Studio. Error
handling during compile and make. Tracing the program and debugging. Library linking (IMSL). Some IMSL subroutines
and how to use the documentation.
13. Exercises with pointers (input/output string handling).
14. Assessment – Practical Test. Portfolio rating and discussion of the work done during the semester.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Faculty of Civil Engineering (UTCN)