Mobilité EUt+

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1. Introduction to physics. Material point mechanics: Defining and measuring physical quantities. The dimension of physical quantities. Elements of kinematics and material point dynamics.
2. Position and displacement vector. Vector speed. Acceleration vector. The law of motion in uniform and uniformly varied motion. Galileo's equation. Speed in curvilinear motion. Acceleration in curvilinear motion. 
3. Circular motion. The law of motion. Angular speed. Uniform circular motion. Angular acceleration. Uniformly varied circular motion. The connection between angular quantities and linear quantities in uniform circular motion. The vector character of angular quantities. 
4. Dynamics. Newton's Law 1st (Law of Inertia). The principle of Galilean relativity. Newton's second law (Fundamental law of dynamics). The impulse of bodies. Newton's Third Law (Law of Mutual Actions). Mechanical work. Energy. Mechanical power.
5. Law of energy conservation. Impulse conservation law. The moment of force. The kinetic moment. The law of conservation of kinetic moment represents the physical phenomena at a reduced scale. 
6. Types of forces. The law of universal attraction. Gravitational force. The weight. Friction force. The elastic force. The inertial forces. 
7. Oscillatory motion. Harmonic oscillations. Damped oscillations. 
8. Oscillatory motion. Forced oscillations. Resonance. Superposition of oscillations. 
9. Waves in elastic environments: The speed of longitudinal and transverse waves. The equation of plane harmonic waves. Attenuation of elastic waves. 
10. Wave phenomena: Huygens’ principle. Reflection and refraction of waves. Wave interference. Wave diffraction. 
11. Acoustics: Stationary waves. Sound waves. Wave pressure. Wave intensity and wave strength. Sound level and hearing level. Sound characteristics. Doppler effect. Ultrasounds. 
12. Elements of photometric optics. 
13. Elements of thermodynamics. Temperature. The heat. Specific heat. Internal energy. Principles of Thermodynamics. Thermal machine efficiency. 
14. Heat transport phenomena. Thermal conduction. Thermal convection. Thermal radiation.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Faculty of Civil Engineering (UTCN)