Mobilité EUt+

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Descriptive Geometry

1. Introduction. The conical projection. The cylindrical projection. Types of object representation.
2. Representation of the point. Dividing the space into dihedral angles, trihedral angles, and octants. The double orthogonal projection (Monge projection). The orthographic representation of the point. The symmetry of the point. The descriptive alphabet of the point.
3. Representation of the straight line. Projections. The traces of the line. The oblique line. The particular lines. The relative position of two lines. The projection of the angles and segments.
4. Representation of the plane. The oblique plane. Projections, traces. Particular planes. The relative position of two planes. The position of the point relative to the plane. The position of the straight line relative to the plane. The intersection of two planes. The intersection of the line with a plate. The intersection of two plates. Study of the visibility.
5. Methods of transforming projections. The method of substitution of projection planes. The revolution. The coincidence. The restoration.
6. Regular polyhedrons. Conventions for the representation. Plane sections with projecting planes and with oblique planes in polyhedrons. Developments. The intersection of a line and a polyhedron.
7. Irregular polyhedrons. Conventions for the representation. Plane sections with projecting planes and with oblique planes in polyhedrons. Developments. The intersection of a line and a polyhedron. Mutual intersections of polyhedrons.
8. Cylindrical surfaces. Conventions for representation. Plane sections. Developments. The intersection with a line.
9. Conical surfaces. Conventions for representation. Plane sections (elliptical section, parabolic section, hyperbolic section). Developments. The intersection with a line.
10. The orthogonal axonometric projection. 
11. The oblique axonometric projection.
12. The projections with elevations. Fundamentals / Generalities.
13. The projections with elevations. Graphic solving of the roofs with slopes of equal inclination, inclusive of those with an inner courtyard. Views. Developments of the slopes.
14. The projections with elevations. Topographic surfaces. Cuts and fill along a platform with an inclined road.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Faculty of Civil Engineering (UTCN)