Mobilité EUt+

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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The subject aims at giving the students’ knowledge of Bioinformatics history and methods; Internet tools like Protein Data Bank (PDB), Basic Local Alignment Search Tool of U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information; What is Chromosomes, Genes, DNA, RNA, Nucleotides, Proteins, Protein Structures; Sequence Comparison, Protein Alignment fundamentals; Local and Global Sequence Alignment Methods. Basic algorithms like Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm; Smith-Waterman; BLAST; WU-BLAST; BLAST-X; NCBI BLAST 2.0; PSI BLAST; FASTA 3 PHI BLAST; MEGA BLAST; Substitution matrix PAM & BLOSUM. How to Modeling and Discovery of Sequence Motifs.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Bioinformatics – Introduction and History; Genetics Basics – chromosomes, genes, DNA; Energy, Entropy, Enzymes and Metabolism; The structure, function and replication of DNA; How mRNA vaccines work; DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid and Nucleotides 4 different types – A (adenine), C (cytosine), T (thymine), G (guanine); Introduction to Protein Structure; Structure Comparison and Classification; Predicting Protein Structure. Predicting Protein Interactions; Sequence Comparison; Alignment fundamentals; Local and Global Sequence Alignments; Global Sequence Alignment of protein sequences & Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm; General Local Alignment Method Smith-Waterman; BLAST; WU-BLAST; BLAST-X; NCBI BLAST 2.0; PSI BLAST; FASTA 3 PHI BLAST; MEGA BLAST; Substitution matrix PAM & BLOSUM; Modelling and Discovery of Sequence Motifs; Markov and Hidden Markov Models of Genomic and Protein Features; RNA Secondary Structure – Biological Functions and Prediction; Database searching and retrieving of sequence from Protein data bank (PDB); Using NCBI BLAST Well; etc.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)