Mobilité EUt+

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Agent-Based Technologies

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: At the end of the course the students are expected to be able to apply the methodologies and software tools for design and deployment of agent based applications, to assess in which cases use agent-based applications and how to implement the communication between them, to implement intelligent agents, multi-agent systems and mobile agents and use them in solving of engineering problems.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Agent based software technologies – motivation and application of agent based technologies in Web business services; Web services and software agents – interoperability, integration of software agents; Agents - definition, infrastructure, interaction of agents; Service oriented architecture based on agents; Intelligent agent - definition, properties, characteristics, classification, tools for deployment; Multi-agent systems - nature, basic elements, properties, communication and distribution of the task; GAIA methodology for designing of multi-agent architecture - roles model and interaction model, analysis and design; Methodology based on messages for agent-based analysis and design - concepts and notations, analysis; Mobile agents - nature, field of application; Java-based agent platforms - specifications IEEE FIPA, architecture of FIPA, platforms Cougaar, AgentFactory, 3APL platform, Jason (AgentSpeak APL); JADE platform - architecture, packages, messaging service, administration and development of applications, programming, communication, detection of agents; UBIWARE platform - architecture, programming language for semantic agents (S-APL).

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)