Mobilité EUt+

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Semantic Knowledge Management in Organisations [ELECTIVE]

ELECTIVE COURSE -> not offered every semester

Learning objectives:
After completing the course, students will be able to
independently identify a knowledge management problem and develop an IT-supported solution approach based on the language and design concepts of semantic knowledge graph modeling
operationalize an identified knowledge management problem, i.e. create a suitable semantic description model in the form of a lightweight ontology with Semantic MediaWiki
formalize the relevant entities of an object domain and their relationships to each other and transform them into an ontology-based knowledge graph
implement and refine lightweight ontologies and semantic knowledge graphs using Semantic MediaWiki software
apply basic language and design concepts from the field of semantic knowledge graph modeling to an existing knowledge management problem and implement them using the Semantic MediaWik software.
Course content
The course is divided into 3 main parts:
Introduction to basic technologies and theoretical foundations
Individual project work (practical implementation of a knowledge management problem using Semantic MediaWiki)
Project presentations at the end of the semester
The course broadly addresses the following questions:
Why do companies need a functioning knowledge management in the age of digitalization ?
Why is knowledge management becoming increasingly important for companies as digitization progresses and which technological approaches help here?
What new challenges does digitalization pose for companies and how can a functioning knowledge management system help to overcome them?
How can the transformation of companies towards a learning organization be supported with technical measures?
What advantages do semantic knowledge graphs offer over other knowledge representation models in the development of company-wide knowledge bases, the so-called "corporate knowledge spaces"?
What role do ontologies play in knowledge representation and knowledge management?
How does Semantic MediaWiki support knowledge management in the company?
What technical measures can be used to involve specialist users in the development of semantic knowledge graphs?
Specifically, content from the following subject areas will be covered:
Delimitation of data - information - knowledge - action - competence
Knowledge staircase for Industry 4.0
Knowledge management models and approaches
Basics of machine-processable semantics
Languages and technologies for the creation of semantic
knowledge representation models and knowledge graphs
Role of ontologies in sem. Knowledge Management
Introduction to Semantic MediaWiki
Methods and tools for ontology creation with Semantic MediaWiki
Query languages for semantic knowledge representation models
Semantic MediaWiki extensions for collaborative ontology creation

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Computer Science Department (HDA)