Mobilité EUt+

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The aim of the course is to analyse the theoretical principles and the theoretical background for the design of reinforced concrete structures under static loads. Particularly, the course provides the student the basic criteria and methodologies for the structural design and analysis of simple reinforced concrete structural elements, i.e. beams and columns, and simple reinforced concrete structures, i.e. 2d frames and slabs. A general introduction to the safety criteria for structures is discussed with a specific reference to the limit state methods included in the more recent Italian and European code format recommendations. Matrix methods for structural analysis are also covered. The course provides also the tools and the basic methods for the design and verification of simple prestressed concrete structures. The course includes lectures and laboratory. Laboratory is of special importance because it analyses the content of the theory by the development of problem-solving and design sessions allowing the student to integrate the theoretical principles with the necessary information of design techniques derived from practice and design codes.
Knowledge of the contents of Construction Science is essential
Course program
Theory - Probabilistic methods in structural analysis. Limit state semi-probabilistic method. Introduction to materials and basics of reinforced concrete theory. Behavior and design of reinforced concrete beams considering flexure, shear, deflections and anchorage; behavior and design of columns; behavior and design of elements subjected to torsion. Adherence. Cracking. Ductility. Structural analysis: introduction to matrix analysis for 2d framed structures; shear type frames. Prestressed concrete technology: pre-tensioning and post-tensioning. Prestressed beams mechanics. Behavior of sections in bending and shear. Prestress loss. Safety kernel and Guyon limits. Behaviour at cracking and ultimate state. Prestress equivalent load. Prestress in statically indeterminate structures. Laboratory - Problem-solving sessions for design and analysis of reinforced concrete elements; problem-solving sessions for structural analysis of 2d frames; problem-solving sessions for design and analysis of prestressed elements. Design sessions and development of two term projects: a reinforced concrete slab and a reinforced concrete 2d frame.

E. Cosenza, G. Manfredi, M.R. Pecce, Strutture in cemento armato. Basi della progettazione. Hoelphi, 2008. R. Giannini, Teoria e tecnica delle costruzioni civili, Città Studi, 2011. A. Ghersi, Tecnica delle Costruzioni, Flaccovio, 2005. E. F. Radogna, Tecnica delle Costruzioni. Costruzioni Composte “Acciaio-Calcestruzzo”. Cemento Armato – Cemento Armato Precompresso, Masson, 1994. Giangreco E., Teoria e Tecnica delle Costruzioni, vol.1, Liguori Editore, 1992. R. Park and T. Paulay, Reinforced Concrete Structures, John Wiley & Sons, 1975.
Evaluation mode
The exam consists of written and oral parts. Written part will focus on problem-solving exercises on the different topics of the course such as structural analysis of 2d frames; design and analysis of reinforced concrete elements; matrix analysis. Oral exam will focus on the discussion of the written exam, the two term projects and all the topics treated during the course.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (UNICAS)