Mobilité EUt+

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The module is devoted to the study of design horizontal and vertical alignment of a linear transport infrastructure. In particular, contents of a preliminary and final design of a transport infrastructure with particular emphasis on roads are exposed. Notes on the design of railways and airports are also briefly reviewed. The module aims to provide the basic methods to analyze the location of the alignment on the ground in relation to its functional, geometric, economic and safety aspect and to identify design and costruction criteria of the several road elements. First, a brief description of the economic analysis of investments in the transport sector with special reference to the analysis benefits / costs is briefly reported. Main features of models currently used to forecast transport demand are also reviewed. Different phases of the design of the roadway horizontal and vertical alignment in accordance with current legislation are described together with LOS evaluation procedure and the design features of the road junctions. Finally problems associated with road construction and stability of the body, the characterization of mixtures used in the superstructure and pavement design methods are examined.

Course program
- Technical and economic aspects of roads in relation to traffic - Road-Driver-Vehicle interaction - Considerations on problems relating to safety and user behaviour. - The plan-altimetric trend of the road axis - The cross section - Road circulation in conditions of uninterrupted flow - The road intersections - The design of the road section - The construction of the road body - The materials: stone aggregates and binders - The mixtures used in road superstructures - The design of road superstructures - Notes on the design of railway routes and airports

Evaluation methods
The written test consists of two questions. Completing the written test gives the right to take the oral interview which starts from another proposed numerical exercise an evaluation of the project work drawn up during the semester. Evaluation of a project Oral exam Written exam

Adopted texts
Esposito T., Mauro R. "Fundamentals of Road Infrastructures" Volume I, Hevelius Editions, Ferrari P. Giannini F. "Road Engineering" Volume II, ISEDI Editions Handouts and Notes provided during the lessons and downloaded from the Classroom course page

Frequency mode
Mandatory attendance

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (UNICAS)