Mobilité EUt+

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The course aims to provide students with the basic concepts of soil mechanics and the main applications in the field of geotechnical engineering, with particular reference to environmental issues. The course is articulated in theoretical lectures, numerical exercises and laboratory experiences. Theoretical part is focused on nature and physical state of natural and reconstituted soils and the experimental techniques for their determination. Hydro - mechanical behavior of saturated soils based on the priniciple of effective stresses is analyzed. Seepage flows in porous media under steady and transient state are considered. Compressibility and shear strength of soils as highlighted from mechanical testing are framed within the critical state theory. Use of theoretical models for the interpretation of the mechanical behavior of soils is focused in order to define relevant mechanical parameters for geotechnical applications. Numerical exercises focused on the topics are developed. Some experimental activities are also planned in the geotechnical laboratory.
In order to easily follow the lessons, learn the concepts developed during the course and make the best use of the skills acquired, students must have a solid foundation in continuum mechanics and the main concepts of hydraulic engineering.
Course program
Remainder of Continuum Mechanics - Stresses and strains - Stress and strain invariants - Mohr Circles of stresses - Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion Mechanical behaviour - Oedometer test - Shear strength of soils and its experimental determination - Direct shear test. Consolidation stage, shear stage. Representation and interpretation of results. - Triaxial shear tests. Different triaxial tests. Consolidation stage and deviatoric stage. Representation and interpretation of results - Mechanical behaviour of loose and dense coarse grained soils - Mechanical behaviour of normal consolidate clays and overconsolidated clays - Skempon coefficients - Critical State Theory
- Notes from the teacher - R. Lancellotta – Geotecnica – Ed. Zanichelli - J.H. Atkinson, P.L. Bransby - The mechanics of soils : an introduction to critical state soil mechanics - McGraw-Hill - D. Muir Wood - Soil Behaviour and Critical State Soil Mechanics – Cambridge University Press
Evaluation mode

Students will be asked to take a written test concerning the contents of the exercises. Passing this test is a prerequisite for access to the oral exam. During the oral exam students will be asked to show with what degree of maturity the concepts of soil mechanics and their ability to apply these concepts in simple geotechnical engineering problems have been implemented.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (UNICAS)