Mobilité EUt+

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Provide the criteria to be used in the development of environmental protection and remediation strategies, in correlation with the planning and development of the territory. Provide information on the characterization of environmental systems, on the sources and effects of pollution, on prevention actions, on the principles of technical interventions. The student will acquire the ability to schematize the real problem in order to identify the critical points of the quality parameters and the technically valid and cost-effective design solutions. Upon passing the exam, the student should have developed a sufficient command of language with regard to the specific terminology of the course. The student should have acquired the basic knowledge of the discipline that will allow him/her to study independently the future developments of the discipline.
Knowledge of the topics covered in the courses of analysis, physics and basic chemistry is required.
Course program
Principles of Ecology and Hygiene. Representation and control of the environment: environmental components, strategies for the protection and management of the environment, notes on the procedures for Environmental Impact Assessment. Quality characteristics of water bodies: environmental and destination-specific quality objectives, classification of surface and groundwater resources. Supply water: physical, chemical and biological characteristics, regulations, principles of treatment processes. Pollution of water bodies: sources, effects, self-purification capacity. Wastewater: physical, chemical and biological characteristics, pollutant loads, regulation of discharges, regulations, principles of purification processes, final disposal. Soil pollution: sources, effects. Solid waste: characteristics, regulations, management phases, principles of disposal systems.
Assessment methods
The evaluation consists in the discussion of the case studies addressed during the course and then in a verification on the topics covered in class and exercises. This assessment consists of a technical conversation aimed at bringing out the ability to autonomously deal with a design problem by identifying the best application of the knowledge acquired. Intermediate exams Oral exam Written exam
Texts adopted
Collivignarelli, C., and G. Bertanza. "Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale (Environmental Engineering)." (2012). P. Sirini. Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale. Ed. McGraw-Hill-Giuseppe d’Antonio – Ingegneria sanitaria ambientale - Esercizi e commento di esempi numerici, Editore: HOEPLI (2007)-H. S. Peavy, D. R. Rowe and G. Tchobanoglous – Environmental Engineering – Ed. McGraw-Hill (1985)-Willi J. Masschelein - Unit Processes in Drinking Water Treatment (Environmental Science and Pollution Control Series) – Ed. Marcel Dekker (1992).
Teaching methods
Lectures will take place in the classroom and/or remotely, slides will be projected on the various topics planned, case studies will be discussed, simple sizing calculations and verification of existing systems will be solved. Catalogues of water treatment plants will also be analysed and compared. If possible, visits will be made to purification and/or drinking water treatment plants. If possible, a seminar will be organised with a technical in the sector (an official of a water cycle management body) to present a particularly significant case study.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (UNICAS)