Mobilité EUt+

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The course, which is also applicative, provides the basic elements for the design and management of the main hydraulic infrastructures. The course is, therefore, aimed at providing students with the preliminary tools both for the analysis and solution of the problems that arise in the design phase, and for the decision-making approach aimed at optimizing plant management. Students will be able to acquire the notions necessary both for the design of works to be built from scratch, and for the adaptation and management of existing systems. The general notions acquired during the course will be naturally deepened in subsequent courses in the sector. The exercises will allow the application of the notions taught on simple case studies.

Hydraulics Skills
Course program
Utilisation works: - assessment of available resources - sources of supply - catchment works and their influence on the environment - characteristics of natural waters - water supply and distribution works for drinking, irrigation, industrial and hydroelectric use - optimisation criteria for the use of water resources in a basin. Land protection works: - flood forecasting - hydraulic works: structural and non-structural interventions - urban drainage systems - wastewater characteristics - water discharge systems into receiving bodies. Environmental protection works. Basic elements of legislation: - design of public works - management and design of water systems 96 hours of lessons (theory 80% and exercise 20%)
Assessment methods
the written test is an exercise on long conducts the oral exam focuses on the topics presented in the context of frontal teaching Evaluation of a project Oral exam Written exam
Texts adopted
Notes on Hydraulic Constructions Ippolito Girolamo Liguori Editore ISBN 88-207-2082-5 Acquedotti Milano Valerio Editore Ulrico Hoepli Milano (2000) ISBN: 8820322927 Acquedotti Luigi Da Deppo, Claudio Datei, Paolo Salandin Ed. Cortina (Padova), 2003 ISBN: 887784230- X Sistemazione dei corsi d'acqua Luigi Da Deppo, Claudio Datei, Paolo Salandin Ed. Cortina (Padova), 2004 ISBN: 8877842466 ISBN-13: 9788877842466 Sistemi di fognatura. Manuale di progettazione CSDU, Dicembre 1997 Hoepli ISBN: 8820324423 ISBN-13: 978882032442 FOGNATURE Luigi Da Deppo e Claudio Datei Ed. Cortina (Padova), 1997 ISBN: 8877841958 Handouts provided during the course
Teaching methods
To take the oral exam it will be necessary to pass the written test, to which a grade is not assigned, and to complete the projects/exercises prepared during the course.
Teaching methods
Distance learning
Assessment methods
Evaluation of a project Oral exam Written exam

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (UNICAS)