Mobilité EUt+

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Course goal is to deepen the principles of thermodynamics and heat transfer from a methodological and applicative point of view. In particular it provides the students with the tools necessary for the thermodynamic description of the main components of the thermal plants and the different methods of heat transfer. The student will be able to:- calculate the thermodynamic properties and thermodynamic transformation,- evaluate the balance equation of the I and II law in open and close systems,- evaluate the thermodinamic performance of components and of direct and inverse thermal cycles; extimate the energy exchanges through the different heat transfer methods.
Course program
Basic definitions and concepts; The International System of Units (SI) and significant digits. Mass, energy and entropy balance for open or closed system. Gibbs' equations. Phase diagrams and transformations for pure substances. Saturated vapor, subcooled liquid and ideal gas model; numeric exercitations. Components of direct and inverse cycles: blower, turbine, pipes, heat exchanger; numeric exercitations. Carnot machine and cycle. Introduction to the heat transfer, Fourier's law, Newton convection and radiation laws. Conduction: slabe and cilindric wall; thermal resistance. Conductive transient heat transfer. Radiative heat transfer: black body and its radiative characteristics. Heat balances on opaque surfaces. Convetion: relationship for calculating convective conductances (forced and natural convection). Combined mechanisms. Numerical exercises on heat transfer.
A.Cesarano, P.Mazzei - Elementi di Termodinamica applicata, Liguori Ed., Napoli. P. Mazzei, R. Vanoli - Fondamenti di Termodinamica, Liguori Ed., Napoli. R. Mastrullo, P. Mazzei, V. Naso, R. Vanoli, Fondamenti di trasmissione del calore, Vol.1, Liguori Ed., Napoli. Testi di approfondimento G. Cesini, G. Latini, F. Polonara, Fisica Tecnica, Ed. Citta Studi, 2017. Cengel Yunus A - Termodinamica e trasmissione del calore - McGraw-Hill Michael Moran, Howard N. Shapiro, Bruce R. Munson, David P. DeWitt - Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics - McGraw-Hill
Evaluation mode
Final exam consists of a written test and an oral examination. The aim of written test is to verify the skill of students in the thermodynamic analysis of closed and open systems, in the analysis of thermodynamics components and in the resolution of combined heat transfer mechanisms. Oral examinations is aimed at the verification of the skill of students in dealing with theoretical and practical concepts developed during the course. The oral examination, which follows the written test, is aimed at verifying the student's maturity in the treatment of the theoretical and practical concepts studied during the course. The written test consists of a numerical exercise; The oral test, with an indicative duration of 20 minutes, provides at least three questions. The oral examination is held within one week of the written test; The oral tests are scheduled in the following days on the basis of the reservation order.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (UNICAS)