Mobilité EUt+

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The course’s purpose is give to students analysis instruments about architecture in its constitutive components – function, form and technique – and show fundamental contents and conceptual links that qualify relational system. Knowledge: Knowledge of the main design methods with particular reference to residential construction. Skills: ability to read, analyze and design buildings.
Course program
Arguments: usable spaces; considerable aggregations and complexity levels; fundamental and elementary activities; spatial sizing parameters and sizing of elementary spaces. Formal definition of architecture: from starting idea to volume identification; the directing figures and congruence prin-ciple; plan modes and façade modes; primary architectural elements and basic architectural forms. Architecture and building process: operations and protagonists. The material and construction process. The construction equipment as system: from factory elements to primary matter. The con-struction process: materials workability, using materials for static safety and indoor comfort. Simple, complex and geometric – constructive principles. Teaching Methods: The course includes classroom lessons about program topics and design exercises on a specific assigned topic.
E. Mandolesi, Edilizia I, Utet, Torino 1978; E. Allen, I fondamenti del costruire, McGraw-Hill Italia, Milano 1997; A. Petrignani, Tecnologie dell’architettura, Gorlich, Roma 1978; A.a.V.v., Materiali e tecnologie dell’architettura, Laterza, Bari 2001. For each of the topics covered, the teacher will provide a specific didactic support material.
Evaluation mode
The objective of the exam consists in verifying the level of achievement of the previously indicated learning objectives. The evaluation of the oral exam, the design exercise and the exemptions will contribute in a weighted way to the overall evaluation.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (UNICAS)