Mobilité EUt+

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The course provides theoretical lessons, practical exercises, and fieldtrips, with the aim of introducing students to the basic knowledge of geology and to the exogenous and endogenous processes governing the Earth and environment dynamics. Theoretical lessons focus on the origin and the structure of the Earth, together with the classification of rocks. The main endogenous and exogenous processes will be described with reference to brittle and plastic tectonics, plate tectonics, earthquakes, and sedimentary and morphogenetic processes. Theoretical lessons will be accompanied by practical exercises focused on the recognition of rocks with reference to their formation environment, their hydraulic properties (i.e., permeability and porosity) and on the techniques for rock drilling and sampling. The practical exercises will include reading and interpretation of geological maps, reports and field activities, with the aim of developing judgment and communication skills.
Course program
The teaching programme includes a first part (about 52 hours) where the following general and advanced topics will be covered: structure and composition of the Earth. Origin and classification of rocks. Faults, folds (anticline-syncline), thrusts and associated structures. Fragile and ductile tectonics at the regional scale. Quaternary tectonics and active tectonics. Plate tectonics: mid-ocean ridges, subduction and orogenesis. Earthquakes and seismogenic faults. Regional geology. Geometrical study of rock layers. Permeability of rocks. Rock drilling and sampling. A second part (about 20 hours) relates to practical exercises: reading and interpretation of geologic maps. Fieldtrips.
Handouts, scientific articles and thematic cartography distributed during the course. Suggested readings: Scienze della Terra. Volume 1. Elementi geologia generale. Casati P, Città Studi Ed.; Introduzione alla geologia. Trevisan L. & Giglia G., Pacini Ed.;. Capire la Terra. Press Frank, Siever Raymond. Ed. Italiana a cura di Elvidio Lupia Palmieri, Maurizio Parotto. Zanichelli Ed.; Introduzione alle Scienze della Terra. Press Frank, Siever Raymond. Ed. Italiana a cura di Elvidio Lupia Palmieri, Maurizio Parotto. Zanichelli Ed.
Evaluation mode
The oral exam includes two parts. The first part will focus on the structure and composition of the Earth; the origin and classification of rocks; faults, folds and thrusts (particularly the fragile and ductile tectonics at regional scale); plate tectonics and orogenetic processes; Quaternary and active tectonics; earthquakes and seismogenic faults. The second part will comprehend the analysis and interpretation of a CGI geological map, 1:100.000 or 1:50.000 scale, selected by the candidate, together with the discussion on the final report and the Italian Tectonic Map, in order to assess achieved knowledge about the regional geology of Italy.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (UNICAS)