Mobilité EUt+

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With particular reference to the skills acquired and the training objectives: The course aims to connect observations in the world around us with the principles of chemistry, so that students are able to understand phenomena by referring to atoms, molecules and energy. A second objective is to acquire the ability to move from qualitative concepts to quantitative results. Firstly the course intends to supply students with the proper elements of knowledge of the laws in power concerning waste management and recyclable-waste collection. Secondly, the course intends to explain the main techniques of separation of undifferentiated wastes in fractions which allow recycling of materials present therein. Finally, the course shows the main techniques of recycling of all those materials for which this operation is possible, together with the proper references to the production cycles of the materials themselves. The contents of this course are thought to largely contribute to the formation of the ecologic conscience essential to environment engineer.
Course program
Atomic structure: Bohr model of the atom. Model by Louis De Broglie. Electronic configuration. Ionic bond. Covalent bond. Molecular orbitals. Hybridization. Hydrogen bonding and Van der Waals forces. Gas Laws: by Boyle; 1st and 2nd laws of Charles and Gay Lussac. Avogadro's, Dalton's and Graham's laws. Kinetic theory of gases. Van der Waals equation for real gases. The liquid state of matter. Vapor pressure. Phase diagram of H2O and CO2. Raoult's law: ideal solutions. P versus X diagram of a solution; P versus T diagram of a solution. Colligative properties of a solution. Energy, System, Environment. Open, closed, and isolated system. Enthalpy, state quantity. Heat of fusion, sublimation and vaporization. Hess' law examples of its application. Chemical equilibrium: the equilibrium constant Keq. Shifting of the equilibrium state: concentration, pressure, volume, temperature, introduction of an inert gas. Gibbs free energy. T dependence of Keq. Rate of a reaction. Differential kinetic law. Determination of the reaction order. Temperature dependence eq. By Arrhenius. Oxidation-reduction balance with the half-reaction method. Weak or strong acid, weak or strong base. Solubility product. Acid and basic hydrolysis. Buffer solutions.  
Thermal properties of materials, specific heat, thermal expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity. Mechanical properties of materials, isotropic and anisotropic solids, yield stress ultimate tensile stress, mechanism of elastic and plastic deformation, hardness, resilience and toughness, ductile and brittle fracture, ductile-brittle transition. Anelastic and viscoelastic behaviour of materials, thermal hysteresis, creep, fatigue. Rheological properties of materials. Aerial binders, gypsum and lime. Portland cement, production cycle, cooking, grain size distribution. Hydration of Portland cement: reactions and products. Porous nature of cement paste. Pozzolanic and blast-furnace cements. Properties of concrete, aggregates and their grain size distribution. Aging, mechanical and rheological properties, plastic and hygrometric shrinkage. Traditional ceramic materials, sintering, manufacture, cooking. Glasses, glass-ceramics, raw materials, manufacture, thermal variation resistance, safety glasses, quenched glasses. Thermoplastic and thermoindurent polymers, polymerization by addition and condensation, manufacture, thermal and mechanical properties. Metallic materials, austenite transformation on cooling, thermal treatments of steels, quench, annealing, tempering, superficial quench. 
Chimica, principi e proprietà - M. J. Sienko, R. A. Plane Problemi di chimica – A. Buri, D. Caferra, A. Marotta L.Bertolini, Materiali da Costruzione, Citta Studi Edizione B. Marchese, Tecnologia dei Materiali e Chimica Applicata, Liguori Editore-NapolL.Bertolini, Materiali da Costruzione, Citta Studi Edizione B. Marchese, Tecnologia dei Materiali e Chimica Applicata, Liguori Editore-Napoli
Evaluation mode
During the talk, on which the exam is based, questions concerning the program of the course will be addressed to the student. The teacher will assess from the answers if the student has sufficiently studied and the degree of comprehension of the topics treated during the course. 

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (UNICAS)