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Bachelor's Final Project Industrial Engineering

Final project UPCT Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering:

In particular, it is expected that students will be able to achieve the following goals by completing the dissertation
following goals:
1. Search for, extract and synthesise relevant information from specialised texts.
2. Organise and use information from different contexts.
3. Analyse and understand content from different fields of knowledge.
4. Think in a reasoned and critical way about issues related to the field of industrial engineering.
industrial engineering.
5. Understand and apply the knowledge acquired throughout the courses to practice by means of
and defence of well-documented and well constructed arguments.
constructed arguments.
6. Give a reasoned and immediate response to the questions posed by other students.
7. Articulate a written text that synthesises and gathers the main findings of the TFG elaboration process, following the academic standards in this respect.
8.Prepare a summarised presentation intended for subsequent reading and defence before a university tribunal in a public
in a public event.
9. Carry out the reading and defence of the dissertation with due rigour.
10. Express themselves correctly orally and in writing.
11. Assimilate, in any case, the process of preparing a study on a relevant topic of the profession, with due rigour and academic method, which will confer the necessary
profession, with due rigour and academic method, which will give them the necessary competences to reproduce it in the future in an autonomous manner.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)