Mobilité EUt+

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Design of Energy Efficient Buildings

 The main purpose of the course is the students to understand the environmental and economic consequences of irrational use of energy in buildings and to appreciate the importance of saving energy. The specific aims of the course: The students will acquire the necessary knowledge in relation to the principles of energy performance of buildings, the related legislation, regulations and ministerial orders so as to be in a position to carry out studies on energy performance of buildings and issue the necessary certificates and reports. To be able to carry out technoeconomic studies for possible suggestions which will target to modify buildings. Finally, to inform the students about the energy resources and familiarise them for the energy audits in buildings. Analysis of the basic principles and computational tools pertaining to the design of buildings with low energy consumption with respect to heating, air-conditioning, service hot water and lighting. Basic solar geometry. Adaptation of the building in the built and natural environment. Thermal protection of shells and exploitation of the thermal capacity of shells with respect to heating systems. Sizing of openings, solar gains and undesirable loads. Natural and artificial lighting. Optimization of ventilation, natural cooling and solar shading as means of reducing cooling loads. Alternative methods of heating and cooling by incorporating RES systems in the building shell. Cypriot and European legislation for new and existing buildings. Insulation regulation, technoeconomic studies, determination of building materials properties, thermo-photography and other measuring equipment. Determination of thermal comfort. The course is accompanied by a suitable design-based project. 

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)