Mobilité EUt+

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Digital Signal Processing
EEN 318

Course Purpose and Objectives

Students should assimilate the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge about the various phases in digital processing of one-dimensional and two-dimensional digital signals. Design and analysis of digital systems and their applications / implementations using programming. The course is offered through a combination of lectures, exercises and programming workshops.

Learning Outcomes

Gain comprehensive knowledge of signal analysis, specifications, operation, design, analysis and programming of digital systems. Also obtain knowledge of discrete-time systems and properties, continuous and discrete Fourier transform and applications. Introduction to the design of finite and infinity digital filters (FIR and IIR) impulse response.


EEN_231 Signals and Systems

Course Content

The course is based on the basic elements of the analysis and processing of digital signals and systems, offered in the prerequisite course, and has as its main objectives the following:

  • Recapitulation on signals, systems, sinusoidal sampling. Aliansing and folding. Sampling theorem.
  • Discrete-time systems and properties. Impulse response. Convergence. Application in MATLAB environment.
  • Series, Fourier transform and properties. System Frequency Response. Finite and Infinite Impact Response Systems (FIR, IIR). Applications in MATLAB environment.
  • Frequency response of FIR and IIR systems. Linear phase.
  • Frequency sampling. Discrete Fourier transform. Applications in MATLAB environment.
  • Fourier discrete transform properties and applications. Signal spectrum analysis. Circular convolution.
  • Introduction to digital filters. Design of FIR filters using windows. Applications in MATLAB environment.
  • Design of FIR filters by frequency sampling.
  • Z-Transform. Implementation in MATLAB environment.
  • Design of IIR filters.
  • Implementation of discrete time systems.

    The following chapters are covered:
  • Sampling of sinusoids signals. Sampling theorem.
  • Discrete-time systems and their properties.
  • Fourier Series and Fourier Transform and Properties. Finite and Infinite convolution (Response) Systems (FIR, IIR).
  • Frequency sampling. Discrete Fourier transform. Circular convolution.
  • Introduction to digital filters. Design of FIR filters using windows and frequency sampling.
  • Transformation Z.
  • Design of IIR filters

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)