Mobilité EUt+

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Mechanics of Materials
CBEH 2105

Module Overview   
The aim of this module is to provide knowledge of each of the following (with emphasis on solution from first principles): 2-D statics, loading, support conditions, properties of sections, material properties, bars in uniaxial load, shear stress and strain, simple connections, stress resultants in beams

Indicative Syllabus

  • Statics– vectors, displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, moment, resultant force, resultant moment, Principle of Moments, Newton’s Laws, static equilibrium, equilibrant, couple, statically equivalent forces, active forces, passive forces, concentrated forces, distributed forces, 2-D problems, free-body diagrams
  • Loading and Support Conditions – real loading, idealized loading, restraints, real support conditions, idealized support conditions, reaction forces and moments
  • Properties of Plane Surfaces – revision of calculus, integration, double integration, area, first moment of area, centroid, centroidal axis, polar axis, second moment of area, product moment of area, polar second moment of area, compound surfaces, axes of symmetry, parallel axis theorems, radius of gyration, elastic section modulus, equal area axis, plastic section modulus, rectangle, triangle, circle, hollow sections, rolled steel sections, published tables of section properties, compound sections
  • Uniaxial Stress and Strain – single material, uniaxial load, normal stress and strain
  • Mechanical Properties of Materials – uniaxial stress/strain diagrams, linearity, elasticity, constitutive relations, Hooke’s Law for uniaxial stress, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, nonlinearity, plasticity, yielding, strain hardening, ultimate state, creep, ductility, brittleness, relaxation, dilatation
  • Shear Stress and Strain – shear stress, shear strain, complementary shear stress, Hooke’s Law
  • Simple Connections – bolts, bearing stress, shear stress, single shear, double shear, spacing, edge distance
  • Design/Analysis of Simple Axially-Loaded Systems – linearly elastic bars of a single material, centric loading, strength, serviceability, allowable values, factors of safety, uniform and non-uniform loading, axial force diagram, design criteria, strut curves, ties, struts, bolt connections
  • Stress Resultants in Beams – reactions, shear force, bending moment

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)