Mobilité EUt+

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The course formative aims are the knowledge of the basic principles and of the applications of innovative analytical techniques for environmental control, both indoor and outdoor (acoustics, lighting technique, thermal and hygrometric comfort). Consequently, the course proposes the investigation of phenomena concerning with acoustics, lightening, thermohygrometrics, in civil and industrial environment (indoor and outdoor), with explicit reference to Italian norms and laws, in order to awaken the students to improve comfort conditions. Finally, the course will allow the students to design the built environment to reply to the numerous comfort requirements. 

Course program 

option a -SYLLABUS Theory - The environmental comfort, Outline of thermodynamics, heat transfer, air psychrometrics, control of thermal and hygrometric conditions and related comfort, human thermoregulatory system, Fanger's model, the comfort measurement, data acquisition systems and sensors, thermal stress, notes on building thermophysics, air conditioning, bioclimatic architecture, respiratory and olfactory comfort, environmental pollution and air quality control and measurement, notes on design of HVAC plants, sound propagation and acoustic comfort, phonometrics, notes on acoustic behaviour of buildings and acoustic design of building components, visual comfort, notes on natural and artificial lightening, lighting measurements, notes on lighting design of building envelopes and of artificial lightening systems. Furthermore, students will learn the basic use of free design software in the fields of ventilation, acoustics and lighting. 
option b - SYLLABUS Aerosol particles: health effects, thermodynamics and measurement techniques; Case study: characterization of particles emitted from anthropogenic sources in indoor and outdoor microenvironments. 

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)