Mobilité EUt+

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Civil Engineering Practice & Law
CBEH 4012

 The module entails developing the student’s knowledge to basic engineering and environmental economics, project management, contract management and planning law, and applying these in the context of successfully bringing a project to its conclusion. The students demonstrate competence through project assessment and exam performance

The aim of this module is to enable the student to have the necessary skills and knowledge in order to work within a design team managing a successful engineering project to the client concerned.

Indicative Syllabus 
Urban and Regional Planning Introduction to planning law, development plans, development control and exempted development, enforcement and compensation, acquisition, regional planning, urban renewal, infrastructure and conservation, the planning appeals process.
Project Management The development of Systems management, different models of project management, definition of a project manager, main guidelines to ensure effective project management, main tasks of a project manager, main actions and activities within project planning, project definition, external factors, finance and timing, future developments Professional practice Contract strategy, essential requirements of an engineering contract, price-based and cost based contracts, promoter-contractor relationship, the engineer’s responsibilities as agent
Contract strategy, essential requirements of an engineering contract, price-based and cost based contracts, promoter-contractor relationship, the engineer’s responsibilities as agent and arbitrator, civil engineering procedure, contract documents. Continuous assessment comprises of individual and/or group assignments based on the course content outlined above. 

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)