Mobilité EUt+

Page du cours ✏️

Applied Petroleum and Reservoir Engineering

 Introduction to on-land and offshore drilling, types of drilling rigs, types of oil platforms, drilling equipment, drill string, drill collars, drill bits, vertical drilling, directional, horizontal drilling, deviation control, drilling fluids, blowout revention, solution of problems. Introduction to reservoir engineering, how hydrocarbons are formed, types of formations, reservoir temperature and pressure, nature of reservoir fluids, rock reservoir characteristics, porosity of reservoir rock, permeability of reservoir rock, effective and relative permeability, properties of reservoir fluids, volumetric behavior and hydrocarbon phase diagrams, dry gas, gas condensates, measurement and prediction of reservoir fluid properties, ideal gases, non – ideal or real gases, volumetric calculation of reservoir gas, gas volume factor, gas deviation factor, connate water, gas condensates reservoir, bubble point or desolved gas reservoir, dew point or retrograde gas – condensate reservoir, single phase gas reservoir, estimation of initial gas in – place, gas production/separation, undersaturated oil reservoirs, compressibility of reservoir rock and reservoir fluids, reservoir water influx, production methods, by volumetric expansion, by water influx – water drive, segregation drive, estimation of initial gas and oil in – place, transportation of oil and gas. 

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux
B14.1 - MEB/B14.2 - MEB

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Faculty of Engineering and Technology (CUT)Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering (CUT)