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Construction Management and Economics
CBEH 4002

 The module has at its basis the use of tools to justification a development project in economic terms and the putting in place of a company structure to enable such analyses to be completed effectively. The decision models involved are both economic and non-economic.

 Indicative syllabus
 Economic foundations of cost benefit analysis: Basic economic concepts, application of the Pareto and Kaldor Hicks rules, development of the concept of cost benefit analysis and the deficiencies in CBA that resulted in EIA
Environmental Impact Assessment Sustainable development, stages in the assessment process, legal and assessment framework and decision methodologies within EIA Engineering project appraisal
 Introduction to project appraisal, basic tools of project appraisal, present worth, equivalent annual worth, rate of return and benefit cost ratio computations. Cost benefit analysis of public projects and other economic analysis techniques. Multi-criteria analysis. The simple additive weighting method, AHP, and concordance models
Strategy of organisations Definition of corporate strategy, analysis of Ansoff matrix, the establishment of 4 basic objective types as postulated by Ansoff Competitive and portfolio strategies, managing change, major activities involved in the process of change. Marketing. Organisational Development 

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)