Mobilité EUt+

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The study course acquaints with the subject and basic categories of research in the science of pedagogy. Different theories of pedagogy are considered, as well as current problems of pedagogy are described. Learning the content of the study course takes place in a close context of theory and practice. In order to ensure active learning, students are involved in group discussions, situation analysis, literature studies, presentations on a current pedagogical problem chosen by themselves or given by the lecturer. Thus, the link between theory and practice is also emphasized. Students evaluate the knowledge gained in theory in a specific pedagogical situation. The reflexive questions proposed by the teaching staff allow the student to deepen his understanding of the learning process, its basic elements and their mutual connection: the style of the teacher and learning motivation, cooperation in a pedagogical environment. Learning the content is organized in such a way that students improve their ability to cooperate, share experiences and exchange ideas.

Course contents:
  • Pedagogy: art or science? Branches of pedagogical science.
  • The subject of pedagogy. The relationship between pedagogic theory and practice. Humanpedagogy.
  • Interpretation of current education issues. The values education. Ideas of A. Adler, R. Dreikur.
  • Different philosophies of education. Theories about teaching. Theories about learning.
  • The roles of the teacher/lecturer. Pedagogical competence and ethical principles.
  • The individual nature of the learner. Diversity of students learning strategies and study skills. Individualization of learning
  • The motivation for learning. 
  • Components of the learning process. Teaching content, methods and forms of organization.
  • Cooperation in the learning process. Pedagogical contact. Conflict resolution.
  • Learning outcomes and their evaluation.
  • Knowledge, skills and competences. Quality assessment in education.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Faculty of Computer Science, Information Technology and Energy (RTU)