Mobilité EUt+

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The study course uncovers the basic concepts of psychology as a science and the interaction of human personality, emotions, behaviour and cognitive processes. The study course begins with an understanding of psychology as a science, its applied and research aspects. Further personality processes are discussed, which also includes motivation, values, temperament, character, and emotions. Students have the opportunity to conduct self-evaluation with the help of psychometric surveys and interpretation of results. The course concludes with cognitive processes - memory, attention, thinking, intellect, decision making, consciousness and mind and creativity. Students are given the opportunity to conduct self-evaluation about their cognitive processes. Various teaching methods are used in the acquisition of the study course - case studies, discussions, surveys and tests, presentations, group work, videos, etc. audience engagement techniques.

Course contents:
  • Introduction to the study course, defining and content aspect of psychology, content aspect of the study course, requirements.
  • The science of psychology, its research subject, research methods and connection with other sciences. Applied fields of psychology, borders with other fields. Psychology in Latvia.
  • Personality, its research methods, manifestations in emotions, behaviour, communication. Theory of modern personality traits (Personality five-factor survey).
  • Character, its accentuations.
  • Temperament and its foundation.
  • Emotions and feelings, their characteristics. Emotional intelligence, difficult to overcome emotions.
  • Motivation, its different types and meaning, preconditions for behaviour performance (Motivation questionnaire).
  • Values and their place in human life, choices.
  • Mental health, well-being and its preconditions. Types of mental disorders, myths and stereotypes about communication.
  • Consciousness, mind, its psychological basis and essence. Changed states of consciousness and their manifestations.
  • Perception and sensory cognition, differences and diversity of perception.
  • Attention: properties, characteristics, connection with other mental processes (Attention test).
  • Characteristics of memory properties and processes, memory training (Memory test).
  • Thinking, thought processes, ways of thinking, cognitive errors (Thinking test).
  • Intellect, its historical aspect, meaning today. Myths and truths about IQ, its place in success (Nonverbal Visual Spatial Intelligence Test).
  • Creativity, its psychological basis, types, preconditions and opportunities for development.
  • Development of final work, independent work and self-assessment.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Faculty of Computer Science, Information Technology and Energy (RTU)