Mobilité EUt+

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Fundamentals of AC Circuits

The study course is fundamental to the calculation of stationary sinusoidal processes in circuits with linear elements - resistive, inductive and capacitive elements, ideal transformer. The symbolic method is used for calculating harmonic processes in the frequency domain. The study course looks at how to calculate amplitude and phase characteristics of different circuits, calculate complex power. The study course covers the theory of circuit calculations as well as laboratory measurements and circuit calculation application of SPICE based electronic circuit simulation software LTspice and MATLAB for numerical calculation techniques and simulations of circuits.

Course contents:
  • L elements and C elements. Energy storage in L and C. Omh's and Kirchhoff's laws in integro-differential form for circuits with R, L, C elements. Signals. sinusoidal and periodical signals characteris
  • Complex numbers and values.
  • Sinusoidal steady state (SSS) reaction. Complex amplitudes (Phasors). Applying a complex forcing function. Impedance and admittance. Phasor diagrams.
  • Equivalent transforms. AC circuit power analysis. Complex power.
  • Forcing and response functions in calculations of SSS circuits. Amplitude and phase characteristics. Frequency response of circuit.
  • Application of circuits’ calculation methods for SSS mode in frequency domain and for DC.
  • Application of circuits’ analysis methods and theorems for SSS mode in frequency domain and for DC.
  • Mutual inductance (M). Calculations of circuits with mutual inductance. Ideal transformer.
  • Three-phase circuits and calculation of them.
  • Consultations. Design and defence of laboratory works, preparation for the exam.
  • Final exam.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Faculty of Computer Science, Information Technology and Energy (RTU)