Mobilité EUt+

Page du cours ✏️

Electrotechnics - UTCN

 | Electric and magnetic quantities. Static electric and magnetic fields (the electric field in free space and in material, electric current, the magnetic field in free space and in material)
 | Laws and theorems of electromagnetic field
 | Electrical capacitance, energy and forces
 | Magnetic circuits. Self-inductance and mutual inductance. Magnetic energy and forces.
 | Basic concepts, units and laws of circuit theory (characteristic values, power in sinusoidal regime, representation of sinusoidal functions by vectors and complex numbers)
 | The characterisation of the linear circuits in complex plane, the complex form of some theorems
 | Equivalent impedances (series and parallel connection, without mutual inductance, with mutual inductance, real condenser, real inductance, air core transformer)
 | Resonance (in series, parallel, real, inductively coupled circuits, power factor improvement)
 | Two-port networks (equations, equivalent circuits, open-circuit and short-circuit tests, characteristic impedance, propagation constant, filters)
 | Network theorems (the superposition theorem, Thevenin-Norton theorem, mesh or loop analysis, node analysis, matrix methods)
 | Transient regime of linear circuits (continuity conditions, transient behaviour of the R-L, R-C and R,L,C)
 | Transient regime of linear circuits (the Laplace transform, Duhamel integral, state variable method)
 | Study-state periodic non-sinusoidal regime (Fourier expansion, power, network analysis)
 | Transmission lines (the primary line parameters, the equations of the transmission line, voltage and current waves on long lines, distortionless lines)

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Automation and Computer Science Faculty - UTCN