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Physics - UTCN

 | C1.  Introduction  in  Physics.  Fundamental  and  derivate physical quantities and their measurement units. Basics of kinematics:
 | C2. Elements of motion (reference system, trajectory, space). Velocity. Linear motions with constant velocity. Acceleration. Linear motion with constant acceleration. Kinematics: Curvilinear motions  (trajectory, velocity and acceleration).
 | C3. Circular motion (angle, circular velocity, circular acceleration, law of motion with uniform angular velocity, law of motion with uniform angular acceleration). Relations between linear and circular quantities. Specific measurement units.
 | C4. Dynamics: 1st, 2nd and 3rd principles of dynamics. Inertial mass. Force. Linear momentum. Mechanic work. Power. Energy (kinetic, potential, total).
 | C5. Momentum of force. Angular momentum. Conservations laws of: linear momentum, kinetically momentum, energy.
 | C6.  Oscillatory  motion:  Linearly  harmonically  oscillator. Dumped oscillations. Forced oscillations, resonance.
 | C7. Waves. Wave function. Differential equation, Characteristic phenomena: reflection, refraction,
 | interference, diffraction. Standing waves.
 | C8. Acoustics: Definition. Sound sources. Fundamental sound and superior harmonics. Sounds quality. Closed chambers acoustics, sound reverberation, reverberation time.
 | C9. Electricity.  Introduction.  Electric  charge.  Coulombian Force. Electric Field. Electric Field intensity. Electric Flux. Gauss law for the electric field. Electric field work.
 | C10. Electric current. Definition. Electric current intensity. Density of the electric current. Ohm’s law. Electrons in solids. Electrically conductibility. Elements of electric circuit.
 | C11. Magnetism: Magnetic field. Sources of the magnetic field. Lorentz force.
 | C12. Magnetic flux. Gauss law for the magnetic field. Element of current. Magnetic force (Laplace force). Biot-Savart law.
 | C13. Magnetic field produced by a liner conductor. Magnetic field produced by a loop. Ampere’s law. Electromagnetic induction. Faraday’s law.
 | C14. Maxwell’s equations (differential and integral forms). Electromagnetic waves: Maxwell’s     equations without sources, velocity, transversally, intensity, and range

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Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Automation and Computer Science Faculty - UTCN