Mobilité EUt+

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Industrial Management

C01. Introductory information. Economic systems. The concepts of social system, economic system, and factors of production. Different economic systems. Business. Resources. Products vs. goods. Buyer, customer, consumer. Advantage. Risk. Effectiveness vs. efficiency.
C02. An overview of management. Etymology. Definitions. The importance of management. Fields of management. The management processes. Functions of management. The functions of the enterprise.
C03. The manager. Classification by hierarchical level (vertically) and by area of responsibility (horizontally). Necessary knowledge. Professional training for managers. The origin of the managers. Duties of managers. The 10 managerial roles (Henry Mintzberg).
C04. Planning function. The planning process. Vision, mission, plans (objectives, action programs). Hierarchy of objectives and plans (strategic, tactical, and operational).
C05. Organizational function I. Post. Job description. The compartment. Criteria for setting up compartments. Management norm. Delegation. Policies, rules, procedures. Types of basic organizational structures.
C06. Organizational function II. Legal forms of business organization in Romania. Forms without their own legal personality (PFA, II, IF). Forms with their own legal personality (SC, RA). European society. Actions. Obligations.
C07. Function of directing coordination I. Performance. Motivation. Theories on motivation. Managerial styles.
C08. The evaluation-control function I. The role of control. The control process. Stages and levels of control. Control instruments. Costs. Classification of direct and indirect costs. Calculation of costs based on direct and indirect costs.
C09. Evaluation-control function II. Classification of costs into fixed and variable. Calculation of the break-even point. Determining the closing point of the firm.
C10. Elements of managerial ethics and social responsibility of the company.
C11. Forecasting elements I. Quantitative forecasting methods. Series in time.
C12. Forecast elements II. Causal methods. Qualitative forecasting methods.
C13. Productivity. Definition and methods of calculation. Ways of normalizing work.
C14. Competitive analysis. Static portrait of competitiveness.

  • Inflation. The use of price growth indices in economic calculations.
  • The risk. Case study: "E.I.T. Company".
  • Planning exercise. Developing a plan.
  • The SWOT analysis. Case study: "Tatrakrystall".
  • Staff evaluation. Case study "MMC Company"
  • Cost calculation applications.

Crédits ECTS

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Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Robotics and Production Management (UTCN)