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Parallel and Distributed Computing - UTCN

 | Introduction to parallel and distributed computing.
 | Parallel computing basics: computer architectures and programming models.
 | Parallel algorithm design: parallelization process, data dependency.
 | Parallel algorithm design: case study.
 | Parallel algorithm design: decomposition and mapping techniques.
 | Improving the performance of parallel programs: load balancing issues.
 | Improving the performance of parallel programs: serialization and 
   communication issues.
 | Workload-driven evaluation of parallel systems.
 | Cache coherence in symmetric multiprocessors.
 | Specialized hardware for parallel and distributed computing.
 | Time: physical clocks, logical clocks. Causal ordering.
 | Distributed algorithms: consistency and replication for fault tolerance.
 | Distributed algorithms: leader election.
 | Distributed algorithms: consensus and mutual exclusion.

ECTS credits

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Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Automation and Computer Science Faculty - UTCN