EUt+ Mobility
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Computer Network Design - UTCN

 | Introduction
 | ISO-OSI an TCP/IP Reference models + Layered structure, analogies and differences
 | Physical Layer + layer functions
 | Data link Layer + layer function, HDLC protocol
 | Network Layer + layer function and routing, IPv4 and IPv6
 | Transport Layer + connection oriented and connection less protocols
 | Upper Layers + session, presentation and application layers
 | Multiplexing + FDM, TDM, statistical TDM
 | Packet and circuit switching, virtual circuits + Analogies, differences and switches
 | Flow control and congestion control + Stop and Wait, sliding window, token bucket
 | Distributed network services like E-mail, DNS, etc.
 | Network security + Threats and their avoidance
 | Cryptographic systems+ symmetrical and asymmetrical systems
 | Computer Network management + management application structure

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Automation and Computer Science Faculty - UTCN