EUt+ Mobility
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Short history. Connection with other disciplines. Liquids physical properties.
Fundamental law of hydrostatics. Hydrostatic pressure.
Measuring hydrostatical pressure. Hydrostatic forces on plane surface. Horizontal and vertical surfaces.
Hydrostatic forces on plane inclined surfaces. Hydrostatic force on curvilinear surfaces.
Introduction to Hydrodynamics. Laws of hydrodynamics. Euler’s equations. Bernoulli’s equation.
Bernoulli’s equations geometrical interpretation. Head loss in hydraulic installations.
Hydraulic systems with pressure flow. Distribution network - ring network
Aquifer layers. Characteristics of an aquifer layer. Determining of characteristics.
Collecting wells and drains for intakes of underground water.
Calculation of systems of wells and drains. Tapping of underground water using several wells
Open channel flow. General characteristics of open-channel flow. Uniform flows
Surface waves. Froude number effects
Energy considerations of open channel flow.
Uniform flows.

ECTS credits

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Exam Language

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Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Faculty of Civil Engineering (UTCN)