EUt+ Mobility
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Building Information Modeling (micro-certification)

This micro-certification will introduce you to Building Information Modeling (BIM), an approach aimed at accelerating collaboration throughout the phases of infrastructure construction projects (transportation, energy production, etc.). Through real-world examples, you will understand the concept of digital continuity in an infrastructure project and establish notable correspondences and differences with approaches from the industry and service sectors, based on market needs.

Preparatory Phase: 
Self-assessment, understanding the fundamentals of BIM from vocabulary to business constraints.

In-person Training:
  • Understanding the history and maturity of BIM.
  • Grasping the importance of digital continuity in an infrastructure project.
  • Understanding ongoing developments (ISO 19650 standard).
  • Illustrating the approach to digital continuity through implementation projects.

Consolidation Phase: 
Developing and implementing a digital continuity service for an infrastructure project, developed skills. 

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Mechanical Engineering Program ( UTT)