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Transformation of Industries and Services through Digitalization (Micro-Certification)

This micro-certification aims to raise awareness among future engineers about the importance of considering organizational and human factors in any digital transformation project. It also emphasizes the methodologies to be implemented to ensure the success of such projects. Finally, it offers an immersion in the role of consultant, a key player in this transformation.

Preparatory Phase: 
Introduction to the consultant profession, best practices for successful transformation projects, presentation and implementation of the project outside supervision.

In-person Training:
Client assessment
  • General framing methodologies
  • Knowing how to diagnose
  • Evaluating an investment plan
  • Supporting change
Consolidation Phase: 
Analysis and presentation of a practical case. 

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Mechanical Engineering Program ( UTT)