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Introduction to CATIA automation (micro-certification)

This micro-certification will introduce you to the automation process in CATIA V5. You will learn how to create automation scripts, programs, and macros in CATIA V5 using Visual Basic. The CATIA V5 data model and specific CATIA Automation online help will be studied to enable you to develop a complex script based on an industrial case during the certification consolidation phase.


Preparatory Phase: Introduction to CATIA Automation, first script creation, interface exploration, self-assessment questionnaire. In-person Training: Designing an automation script, idea development and feasibility assessment, optimal use of online help, study of existing scripts, development of an automation script based on expressed needs. Consolidation Phase: From needs analysis to user training: creating an automation script.


ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Mechanical Engineering Program ( UTT)