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3D computer graphics : theory and applications

3D computer graphics involves methods for graphical representation of 3D objects or scenes. The applications are numerous, from Computer-Aided Design (CAD) to scientific visualization.

  • Defining a mathematical (continuous) model for 3D objects: Bezier surfaces, splines, NURBS
  • Knowing how to generate a discrete model from a continuous model of 3D objects: geometric surface mesh
  • Mastering the basics of 3D visualization: linear transformations, view systems, perspective projections
  • Understanding realistic 3D rendering: shading models, hidden surface elimination, radiosity methods, ray tracing
  • Knowing how to do 3D computer graphics with the OpenGL graphics library
  • Understanding virtual reality and augmented reality

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

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Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Mechanical Engineering Program ( UTT)