EUt+ Mobility
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Tools for network modeling

When designing or operating a network, it is important to know its properties and performance. The aim of this module is to study different tools for modelling and evaluating network performance. 
- To know the necessary tools for network performance evaluation and design. 

Learning Outcomes:
- Knowledge of graph theory
- To be able to implement a graph-based solution for a network problem
- To be familiar with the theory of discrete-time and continuous-time Markov chains
- To be familiar with the principles of simple queues and queuing networks and their modelling using Markov Chains to determine performance parameters (waiting time, occupancy rate, rejection, etc.)
- To be able to model a system using Markov chains and queuing networks. Be familiar with the principles of applying these tools to the active management of queues in routers.

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Telecommunications and Networks ( UTT)