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Fields, Waves, Vibrations, Propagations

In engineering, fields and waves are used to characterise materials, telecommunications, mechanics, metrology, electromagnetism, etc. They are used to describe and understand phenomena on all scales. 
Master the concepts and tools linked to fields and waves
- Know the different wave categories and their behavior
- Know the waves related phenomena (interferences)

Learning Outcomes: 
- Describe fields (static, damped, oscillating) and waves (scalar, vector) physically and mathematically
- Recognise, formulate and solve simple wave equations
- Determine solutions to wave equations as a function of boundary conditions, and manipulate and exploit their main properties (propagation, dispersion, propagation in a guide, standing waves, etc.)
- Identify, understand and exploit phenomena such as interference and diffraction
- Establish links between mathematical expressions, physical properties and observable phenomena

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Telecommunications and Networks ( UTT)