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Advanced Signal Processing

Content of course “Advanced Signal Processing - Lecture”:
1. Introduction.
2. Scaling and unscaling. Frequency transformation. Transfer function of 1st and 2nd order.
3. Approximation methods (Butterworth, Chebyshev, Cauer, Bessel).
4. Electric circuits sensitivity.
5. Synthesis and design of passive filters.
6. Synthesis of active filters. Design methods.
7. OA-RC active filters of 1st and 2nd order. Cascade realization of OA-RC filters.
8. State-space design of OA-RC filters. Multiple feedback OA-RC filters.
9. OA-RC filter design by element replacement.
10. gm-C filters. Biquads. Higher order filter design.
11. All-pass filters. Delay time equalization.
12. Complex filters.
13. Digital filters.
14. Adaptive filters.
Content of course “Advanced Signal Processing - Lab”:
1. Transfer function approximation for given specs.
2. Active Sallen-Key filters analysis.
3. Tow-Thomas filters analysis.
4. Active filters analysis and synthesis using state-space variables.
5. Analysis and synthesis of gm-C filters.
6. Analog filters applications (Band and channel filters for radio receivers).
7. Digital filters applications.
Content of course “Advanced Signal Processing – Project Work”:
Specs. State-of-the-art literature.
2. Decision regarding the filter approximation and order.
3. Analog/ digital filter design.
4. Verification of the filter. Simulation.
5. Filter implementation on FPGA for digital/ analog on bread-board.
6. Elaboration of the written report.
7. Report defense.

ECTS credits

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Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (UTCN)