EUt+ Mobility
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Linear algebra
A1. Fields
A2. Matrices
A3. Linear systems
A4. Vector spaces. Euclidean vector space
A5. Linear maps
A6. Diagonalization of matrices
A7. Linear optimization

Calculus of real functions of one variable
A8. Differential calculus of real functions of one variable
A9. Integral calculus of real functions of one variable

Calculus of functions of several variables
C1. Continuity of functions of several variables.
C2. Differential calculus of functions of several variables.
C3. Integral calculus of functions of several variables.

Numerical calculus
N1. Introduction and error analysis.
N2. Interpolation technics.
N3. Numeric differenciation and integration.
N4. Methods to compute zeroes of functions.
N5. Methods for solving linear systems.

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes
F1_B1 - Basic learning outcome B1 (related to final LO F1) - CEB

Managing Entity (faculty)