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Programming 1

Learning objectives: The students acquire the skills to
  •   understand and apply the basic language tools of a modern programming language,
  •   analyze and create simple programs with structured and typed program elements,
  •   be able to operate a modern programming environment including a debugger,
  •   be able to use basic elements of the C++ programming language and the C++ standard library (e.g. for text-oriented input and output) in practice,
  •   have acquired basic knowledge and skills for understanding the practical programming of information processing systems

Teaching content: 
  • Structure of a program, control of the program flow
  • Typed storage of valuesFunctions, recursion
  • First language tools from the C++ standard library (input/output, character strings, first containers, exceptions)
  • Pointers, references, smart pointersDynamic memory management
  • User-defined types (enum, union, struct, class)Object-oriented programming
  • Relationships between classes (composition, aggregation, inheritance (ad-hoc polymorphism))
  • Processing of text files, stream concept (stringstream, filestream, stream operators)
  • Exemplary, practical implementation of simple algorithms and data structures, such as data fields, lists, simple e.g. data fields, lists, simple search and sorting

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Computer Science Department (HDA)