Learning objectives: The students acquire the skills to
- understand and apply the basic language tools of a modern programming language,
- analyze and create simple programs with structured and typed program elements,
- be able to operate a modern programming environment including a debugger,
- be able to use basic elements of the C++ programming language and the C++ standard library (e.g. for text-oriented input and output) in practice,
- have acquired basic knowledge and skills for understanding the practical programming of information processing systems
Teaching content:
- Structure of a program, control of the program flow
- Typed storage of valuesFunctions, recursion
- First language tools from the C++ standard library (input/output, character strings, first containers, exceptions)
- Pointers, references, smart pointersDynamic memory management
- User-defined types (enum, union, struct, class)Object-oriented programming
- Relationships between classes (composition, aggregation, inheritance (ad-hoc polymorphism))
- Processing of text files, stream concept (stringstream, filestream, stream operators)
- Exemplary, practical implementation of simple algorithms and data structures, such as data fields, lists, simple e.g. data fields, lists, simple search and sorting